Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Soul Urge Calculated Without Middle Name

Image for 'Soul Urge Calculated Without Middle Name' numerology answer

When I calculate my soul urge number without my middle name I get a 3 which resonates perfectly with me. But when I calculate it including my middle name I get a 7 which I don't relate to at all. I use my first and last name a lot professionally and publicly (I'm an artist) but rarely use my middle name. Is it still okay to calculate soul urge number without middle name if the result aligns with who I am?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The soul urge (or the heart's desire, as we term the numerology chart position) indicates what a person dearly wants. As an artist, and I assume satisfied with being an artist, a 3 heart's desire number is unlikely. You recognize that you are creative. It is not something you feel urged to obtain.

The energy of your heart's desire number 7 tends to urge a person to find answers to things that are vague or a mystery.

Your personality number is the number 3. Personality is the chart position that indicates how you present yourself to others. A 3 personality number is a fortuitous number for an artist.

The core numbers generally are best calculated with a person's name as first recorded at birth.

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