Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Three Master Numbers In Numerology Chart
Hello. I'm new to numerology and I've used a site to find out that I have 3 master numbers. I have 11 in both personality and path of life and 33 in heart's desire. I would like to know what this really means exactly, is it a good thing? I'm at the moment studying philosophy first year and I'm 19 years old, but I'm pretty unsure about what future got for me. I've heard especially that 33 is a very rare number, so having 3 of them really surprised me.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, having three numerology master numbers is unusual. But not unique. Some people do have three.
The thing to remember about numerology is that it's a tool. Don't let the tool run your life. Use the tool to accomplish things.
When a person has a master number in their numerology chart, the person has a choice whether or not to avail themself of the energy. It can be a lot of work to use the master energy. The alternative is to avail themself of the energy represented by the single-digit number when the master number is reduced.
You have a choice. And the choice can change at any time you decide to change it. Actually, "potential" is a more descriptive term than "choice." You may use as much or as little of the potential as you wish.
The Master Numbers and Potential article has more information about that.
Most people are unsure what the future has for them.
Esoteric prediction tools, including numerology, can provide a glimpse into the future in a general way. Numerology, in particular, reveals tendencies and probabilities rather that predestined events.
The future very much depends on what a person does, the actions a person does or does not take. It's a way to manipulate the future from the present, to make it more likely the future will be a certain way.
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