Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
1, 3, 4, 9, and Maturity Number 33
I found number such as 1,3,4,9 keep repeat itself a lot in my chart, what does that mean? Do I have to learn a lesson over and over or maybe deeper? And what does maturity number 33 represent for since I found only 1 description of it everywhere on the internet? Thank you for your time spent reading this! Have a nice life my fellow creature!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are several different popular numerology practices. This website used the traditional Pythagorean method.
In other words, this response to your questions is related to Pythagorean (sometimes known as Western) numerology.
In a complete chart, there will be many repetitions because there are many positions in the chart that numbers are calculated for.
Probably I have never seen a numerology chart with an even distribution of numbers. Certain numbers are repeated more than other numbers.
The repetition itself has little or no meaning, although it might seem like it should. Instead, each number represents the energy related to the position on the chart it was calculated for — regardless what numbers other chart positions have.
If by maturity number you're referring to the power number, there is no 33 for that chart position. The power number is calculated by adding the single-digit value of the destiny and the single-digit value of the life path. If either of those two have master numbers, the master number is reduced to a single digit before doing the power number calculation.
Thus, the only master number the power number is able to have is the number 11. Even then, if there are no other master numbers in any of the core numbers, then the number 11 is reduced to the number 2 before being assigned as the power number.
In your case, your power number is the number 6 (assuming the maturity number you refer to is the same as the power number from Pythagorean numerology).
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