Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Significant Events on the 9th Day of Various Months
What does it mean if something significant happened in a relationship on the same day of two different months? i.e. My birthday is 9/9. My guy and I had a big conversation that moved us forward in our relationship, but ended up taking a break. Poor timing. But on April 9 of the following spring, after some communication, he called me out of the blue and said he wanted to start seeing each other again and moving forward. It has been slow, but there is definite positive movement. I don't believe in coincidences. But I do not know what to think of this. Does it mean anything that it sort of went on hiatus on the 9th of September but seemed to open on the 9th of April?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Significant events tend to be attracted to dates and times represented by numbers that are special to a person or have emotional meaning. The numbers in a person's numerology chart might also provide an attraction.
It doesn't mean they will or must happen at those dates or times. Just that there's a pull, an attraction, a tendency for it to happen that way.
A person tends to read meanings into the timing of happenings. The meaning of the timing is likely an indication that it relates to another event or situation, one with the same or similar type of number. ("Similar types" could be be 123 and 321, or 111, 222, and 333; sequences and constructs with similarities.)
The meaning of the event itself is likely to be more significant than the timing. The timing can indicate related events that have similar or somehow related meanings.
Your birth date numbers tend to attract significant events to dates and times with one or more digits 9. Your current life period cycle is also the number 9. As is your current personal year number. Altogether, that can provide significant attraction for the timing of significant events.
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