Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Master Numbers for Destiny and Life Path
If a person has name number 22 and life path number 11, what happens? If a person has both name and life path number 11, what happens? Is there any growth for that person in his or her life?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Perhaps there's a misunderstanding about master numbers. Or about numerology itself.
Numerology doesn't compel a person to be a certain way or do certain things, nor does it dictate what must or cannot be experienced and learned.
Instead, numerology reveals tendencies and likelihoods.
All people can experience and grow. It's a self decision, not something numerology decides for them.
Master numbers don't compel. They may be lived up to or not. It's the person's decision. See Numerology Master Numbers and also Master Numbers and Potential for more information.
A numerology chart with a destiny (name) number 22 and a life path (birth date) number 11 provides opportunities with similar significance related to learning and growth as any other two highly-compatible numbers. The more compatible the major numbers are, the less stress between the numbers. The less stress between the numbers, the less tension and generally the less situations come up to learn from. See the Benefits of Incompatible Numbers for a deeper explanation. But it depends on the rest of the numbers in the chart, whether or not any are missing or over-abundantly present.
With both the destiny number and the life path number being identical, as in your 11 and 11 example, there may be an imbalance elsewhere. But that would depend on what's in the rest of the chart. If imbalanced, there may be life situations related to the missing numbers. Or if a certain number is overabundant, there may be life situations related to that.
People decide for themselves what they will do and will not do, which generally (but not always) translates into personal growth. Numerology is best used as a source of information when making life decisions. Never should it be used as a tool that dictates how life will be lived.
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