Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Meditating for Attributes of a Particular Number

What should I do if I want to have the attributes of a particular number? Can I meditate on the number to attune myself to its energies?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In numerology, the attribute a number has is that it represents certain energy.
The energy has an influence which can be experienced as a subtle nudge. It isn't something that one has; rather, it is something that can be experienced.
There are things a person can do to be within the influence of certain numerology energy. (I'm unprepared to comment on meditation because meditation is outside the realm of numerology.)
If it is very important to be immersed in the influence of a certain numerology energy, a person might change their name so the number that represents the desired energy is one of the core numbers. When the new name is comfortably and clearly thought of as the person's actual name by the person themself, the influence of the new number or numbers have a larger effect than they will immediately when the name is changed.
Changing ones name should have careful consideration before it is pursued because it can have long-term effects.
Another way to be immersed in the influence of a certain numerology energy is to move so the address of their home or their house number is either the desired number or reduces to the desired number.
Other ways are to have a telephone number or email address that reduces to the desired number.
The energy represented by numbers within, or calculated from, a person's name or birth date are intrinsic numbers. Those are numbers that are part of a personal numerology chart and their energy is with a person all the time.
The energy of numbers not part of the personal numerology chart, like house numbers, are external numbers. Their energy is with a person only when the person is within the realm of that number. In other words, the house number will have an effect only while the person is inside the house.
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