Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Same Soul Urge Number

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What does it mean for 2 people to have the same soul urge number? I mean romantically.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It depends on the number. And I'll address that in a moment.

There are various names for the vowels part of the name. This website uses heart's desire. The energy represented by the soul urge position and the heart's desire position are identical — the name of the position is different, not the content or the meaning.

Consider that the heart's desire number represents a desire that is ever present. Even if partially or fully obtained, the desire is still felt.

If your question refers to the your heart's desire number 8 and another person you are interested in has the same heart's desire number, compromise may be required. Both of you are likely to want to be in control. A compromise may be one of you being in control of certain aspects of the relationship and the other in control of other aspects.

Some heart's desire energy is a bonus in a romantic relationship. Other's not.

Heart's desire 1, for example, would have both romantic partners want to do things their own way.

Heart's desire 2, on the other hand, being a relationship energy number, would have both wanting a healthy romantic relationship.

See the index to number meanings for links to interpretations of other single-digit numbers. Then imagine both romantic partners experiencing that particular energy as a desire.

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