Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Books About Numerology
Hi, I'm learning so much more about numerology and I was wondering if you had any books to recommend? The predictions is what caught my eye the most but I haven't found much books that talk about it.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology I practice is traditional Pythagorean numerology. The books that I refer to are books published decades ago.
The primary one I refer to is Numerology; The Romance in Your Name by Juno Jordan, copyright 1965.
Another go-to book is Your Days Are Numbered; A Manual of Numerology for Everybody by Florence Campbell, copyright 1931.
For predictions, I tend to do interpretations to account for my observations of real life rather than strict textbook meanings. Classrooms are good. But real life is where most people live.
Thus, my slant has evolved over some decades of experience with numerology to try to be as real as possible. Predictions are presented as likelihoods and probabilities — with free will prevailing where it conflicts with numerology energy interpretations.
Learning Numerology is another resource, a quick read with useful hints.
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