Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Four 1's in Birthdate

What if anything does having four one's in my birth-date mean? Someone once told me that it wasn't good to have 4 ones. Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Well, frankly, just because someone said something doesn't make it true.

Perhaps the statement was well meaning. The person may have been repeating what was understood about a previous conversation. Still, unless the person has had only a little life experience, s/he is likely to be aware of the negative effect of delivering worrisome information regarding something the recipient can do nothing about.

When a person repeats something alarming without first verifying the information, one has to wonder whether or not the motive is entirely benign.

Fact: There is nothing bad or negative about having four 1's in a birth date. Actually, it's good.

The number 1 is a wonderful number. It's a number of independence, exploration, initiative, and self-sufficiency. The number 1 is the starter, the leader, the one who survives instead of going down with the crowd.

For someone who prefers self-sufficiency rather than dependency, the more 1's the better. The more 1's, the stronger the effect of its essence.

And you have 1's. Both your heart's desire number (calculated from the vowels of your name) and your social/personality number (from the consonants) are a 1.

Your birthdate actually doesn't have any number 1's. Yes, it contains the digit 1 four times. However, the digits are used in the composition of complete, multi-digit numbers.

Digits may be involved in numerology calculations, but the complete number is used for interpretations. As digits within complete numbers, the 1's in your birthdate have little effect.

But your 1 heart's desire number and your 1 social/personality number are likely to have a large effect on your motives, how others see you, and how you see yourself.

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