Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Appended Life Path Numbers
The question that I have is my partner's life path equals 42 which equals together 6. Mine is 25 which equals 7, So our numbers are 6 and 7. Well I realized when you add 25 and 42 is 67, both our life path numbers. Does that mean anything?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The single-digit reduced numbers of your life paths appended together resulting in the total of the non-reduced numbers is an interesting observation.
It can have a personal meaning for you. But it has no position in a traditional personal numerology chart.
Adding all the digits of a birth date together, then reducing it, is one way to obtain the life path number. But the method can suggest a master number when it's not valid or hide a valid master number.
The life path calculation method generally considered correct, because it reveals only valid master numbers, is done in five steps:
The reduced number of the month of birth (unless it's 11).
The reduced number of the day of birth (unless it's 11 or 22).
The reduced number of the year of birth (unless it's 11, 22, or 33).
The total of the results in the first three steps.
The reduced total of step 4 (unless it's 11, 22, or 33).
The Numerology Life Path contains more information about how to do life path calculations.
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