Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Ruling Number 11's

Me, My mother, and father are ruling number 11's and my daughter is a ruling number 22. She is 9 and has been having communication with "spirits" for a while. But is not scared by it...more embarrassed. I have been obsessed with the number 11 for as long as I can remember my birthday is 11-11. Always catch the clock at 11:11. So, so much more. I guess some insight more than a question is what I have.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Some people determine a ruling number by adding the month and day of birth. Others by also adding the year.

I'm assuming your method is by adding all the elements of the birth date — month, day, and year — as that result is the number 11 you mentioned.

In traditional Pythagorean numerology, which this site uses, the month and day calculated number is referred to as the first pinnacle cycle number. Which, in your case, would be the master number 22.

And, in the numerology this site uses, the entire birth date calculated number is referred to as the life path number. For yourself, this is the master number 11.

There is quite a bit of information at the master numbers index page at our sister numerology site. The Master Numbers and Potential article is especially recommended.

A person sees many numbers during the course of a day. The ones with personal meaning, emotional significance, or unusual characteristics are the ones that tend to be remembered. Your focus on the number 11 may be why you remember seeing the number 11 as often as you do, especially when they double up, as in clock time 11:11.

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