Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Is Initial in Name Required?
My daughter birth date is [birth date removed]. Initially I had planned to suit the name with starting letter "H" because of the star is Poosam. While consulting a numerologist, he told me my daughter horoscope "SUN" is in very good position so you better to select starting letter "A" instead of "H". And he told number 19 is very good. So that I have to select name as [name removed], R is my Name (Father). Let us come to my question. Without my initial, counting of Anishaa will come 17. It has very worst. So please suggest in numerology whether initial is required or not.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'm uncertain whether you're asking if an initial is required in order to calculate a numerology chart or is required to result in the name number you want.
To answer the first, an initial isn't required in numerology. A numerology reading can be done regardless how the name is spelled.
For the second, if you must have 19, then you'll need to spell the name so it calculates to 19.
I'm unable to help you with that because my numerology practice is Pythagorean and the calculations result in different numbers than the ones you stated in your question.
Perhaps you're consulting a numerologist who practices Chaldean. That numerologist may be able to help answer your question and, perhaps, help you with spelling so you do get the number you want.
With Pythagorean numerology, all your daughter's major name numbers are good numbers — with and without the R. initial.
The name number (destiny) (with and without the R initial) is the number 8 and birth date number (life path) is also the number 8. It's a good number for material comfort.
Most readings are more accurate when the name provided is the one that's first recorded at birth. The family name is generally included in the reading even if it wasn't recorded at birth.
The energy of the first-recorded name stays with the person their entire life, to some degree, even if there are name changes.
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