Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
How the Good Travel Dates Calculator Works

My daughter and I will be traveling in June to AZ and possibly to Turkey in July. Her birthday is [birth date removed]. My question is why or how are the dates calculated? Because I noticed it recommended I travel on 7 days in June, on 6 days in July, and 5 days in August. I just wanted to know these were the the dates given for me but why? And also the fact that my daughters birthday is different is that a factor at play at all? Thank you so much. Looking forward to your reply.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The Good Travel Dates Calculator actually doesn't recommend dates. But it does calculate dates that are likely to be better dates for traveling. Instead of recommending, it presents information to help with making choices.
The calculator asks for both the type of travel and the birth date data.
The calculations determine which months have the personal month number that match the number most associated with the type of travel. Those are marked as better months. Then it also does the determination for the personal day number, which are marked as better days.
Energy represented by the personal month numbers and personal day numbers associated with the energy represented by the types of travel tends to make the travel on those days smoother, less stressful, more in resonance with the events and circumstances generally attracted to the person. Like all of numerology, it is tendencies and likelihoods, not predestination or irrefutable prediction.
The personal month number and the personal day number are calculated from the person's birth date. Some birth dates can result in the same "good travel dates" results. But your birth date and your daughter's birth date will have different results from the Good Travel Dates Calculator.
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