Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Which Am I, 7 or 2?
Hi there my name is [name removed], I have always been shown that my life path number is 7 which reading it never made sense because it didn't describe me. Recently I had a psychic reading done which revealed I was a 2 and reading that seemed to match. But now I am confused as to which one I am 7 or 2?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The psychic will need to be asked about the number 2 that was seen. I am unprepared to comment on that because my specialty is numerology.
While your life path does indeed calculate to the number 7 with traditional Pythagorean numerology, you are not that number. You are a person, not a number.
Numbers in numerology represent certain energy. The energy provides subtle nudges that can be interpreted or experienced as likelihoods and tendencies. Yet, free will always prevails.
The life path has to do with the types of events and circumstances you are likely to frequently or persistently encounter as you live life.
The energy that the destiny number represents has more influence on the person that you are, how you approach life, and your points of view than does the life path energy. (Your destiny number is the number 1.)
The life path number is only one of several core numbers of a personal numerology chart. Every core number is important.
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