Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Knowing More About My Combination of Numbers
Hi, I would like to know more about the combination of my numbers, especially career wise as I am struggling to find my purpose - I have read a lot about each of these, but the way they combine intrigues me. Life Path 7, Expression 11, Soul Urge 22, Personality 7, Achievement/Attitude 22, Nickname 11, Last Name 11, First Name 9 Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology core numbers would be the ones to understand first of all. They're at the base of the rest of your numerology chart.
You'll notice a difference in names for chart positions. The master number 11 you're referring to as the expression number is at this website referred to as the destiny number. The soul urge I think is the same chart position this website refers to as heart's desire, but according to my calculations the correct number is 4, a number reduced from 31.
I'm uncertain how the achievement/attitude numbers you're referring to are calculated. Perhaps it has to do with your current pinnacle cycle, which is the master number 22.
The career suggestions tool can be used for revealing types of careers that resonate with your numerology chart.
Realize that numerology calculations reveal tendencies and likelihoods, not compulsions or predestination. Free will isn't circumvented. And a good grasp of the core numbers, the energies they represent, and which aspects of the person and their life the energies are likely to affect.
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