Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Mind, Manifestation and Self-expression Triads
What are the mind, manifestation and self-expression triads in numerology and how do you calculate them?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
No mind, manifestation and self-expression triad exists in traditional Pythagorean numerology. Perhaps the triad is discussed in Chaldean or other numerological practice.
It sometimes occurs with Pythagorean numerology that people assign different names to traditional chart positions. Perhaps that's what happened here, someone assigning names unfamiliar to me for traditional chart positions.
The life periods are composed of three cycles. There are three major name numbers. And there are other chart positions that may be viewed as triads under certain conditions.
In some numerology charts, a triangle image is used to represent a chart position — but different numerologists may use the triangle for a different chart position.
With the number 7 as both your destiny number and your life path number, a desire to understand the more esoteric aspects of numerology is expected, especially as numerology is one of your interests.
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