Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

All Major Numbers are the Number 9

I have used online numerology calculators before and each time it shows that in every single category the number is the same, which happens to be the number 9. I was wondering about the significance of that, if any.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It is unusual that all major numerology numbers are the same number, the number 9. I've seen that only a few times.

9 is the best number to have an abundance of, as its energy is compatible with the energy of any other numbers in your chart that can serve as a counterbalance.

Your life period cycle numbers, your pinnacle cycle numbers, and your challenge numbers, are all numbers other than 9 and help to counterbalance the 9 and support its energy. Same with your month, day and year of birth, each of which is other than 9. And only four of the twenty-three letters in your name are the number 9.

The significance is that your numerology chart has an abundance of 9's. But the 9's are bolstered and counterbalanced with other important numbers in your chart.

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