Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Many Repeating Numbers
In my numerology I see many repeating numbers. Do you know why?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are certain calculations in numerology to determine tendencies and likelihoods. The calculations are done on the name and on the birth date.
The spelling of the name and the date of the birth determine the numbers you see in your numerology chart.
The way your name is spelled results in more letters represented by the number 9 (the letters "I" and "R") than letters represented by any other number.
The calculated name numbers, however, aren't repetitive.
Your destiny number (name number) is identical to your life path number (birth date number), which is the number 3.
Your birth date, with the month, day, and year each reducing to the number 1 results in the number 1 for each life period cycle. It also results in the number 0 for each challenge position.
Because they, too, are calculated from your birth date, three of your four pinnacle cycles are the number 2.
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