Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
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I feel motivated but lost at the same time. After a life path calculation, my life path is a 33/6. I recovered from a nearly fatal illness but lost my job as a social worker which I deeply enjoyed. I am shy of 10 years to retirement and derive so much satisfaction from social work. Can you provide insight on my life path and having 3 master numbers in my date of birth. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to mankind to help those unable to help themselves.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The attraction to social work probably comes from the number 6 at your life path.
I see two master numbers in your birth date, the number 22 in the year position and the number 33 in the life path position. I recommend reading the potential represented by master numbers article. You'll find that the energy of master numbers is bountiful potential. And that you may, of your own free will, decide whether or not to tap into that potential.
The master number 22 became your life period cycle number this year, which will be with you for the rest of your life. In addition to its potential, 22 makes the energy of the number 4 available to you. The number 4 was previously missing from your chart — other than occasionally in short cycles of a year or less.
I think the information at the links interspersed in this response will provide the insight you're looking for.
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