Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
How to Determine Numerology Number of an Address

For numerology address numbers, do you look up just the number or number and street name? Include town? Country?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It depends on what you are wanting to find out.
Generally, the house number with street name is calculated for the resonance of a residence. The number by itself has a resonance, but for the resonance of a residence, do a calculation of the entire street address — number with street name.
The resonance of the name of the town can also be determined. Same with name of state or region, and name of country.
Although the resonance of larger and more inclusive geographical areas can be determined for greater understanding, the resonance of the residence is determined with the number and street name, as in 123 street.
The Street Address and Residence Number Calculator can be used to help do the calculations.
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