Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Does the Number 4 Require Work for Pay?

My birthpath is #4. My sister is a numerologist and she says that I needed to work for pay, because that is the best way I can learn the lesson of #4. I think that work is work with pay or without. Who is right?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I won't choose sides.

What I can do is provide my perspective on the number 4 and the life path (which you refer to as "birthpath" and is just as correct as my term).

Perhaps my approach could be viewed as a bit progressive. I understand the numbers of a numerology profile to represent the vibes of the person, the resonance of the person's energies — the person as they are, their tendencies and therefore the likelihood of certain things to occur — rather than seeing the numbers as lessons. Except the challenges, whose nature may be considered as lessons.

The number 4 is often shied away from because it represents work, which some people see as undesirable. The failure to accept the 4 prevents people from seeing the reason 4 does represent work.

The 4 is pragmatic and focused with specific goals, and it is highly likely to achieve them. To achieve the goals, real goals that build a foundation of security for the future — to achieve those goals requires work. Work and dedication. Goals aren't reached without doing the work to achieve them.

It's the energy represented by the number 4 that makes achieving those goals easier than it would otherwise be. The 4 lets a person be comfortable with and really enjoy doing the work required to reach those goals.

But then, depending on how a person does the calculations, your life path number could be the master number 22 rather than the number 4.

The life path number, according to my understanding, represents the type of events and circumstances likely to either persist or to occur frequently as life is lived.

My approach to numerology is as a method to determine tendencies and likelihoods.

I invite your sister to contact me. We may have a meaningful discussion.

She can use the contact link near the bottom of this page to introduce herself. I'm very much open to points of view I haven't previously considered and to additional information related to conclusions I've already reached.

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