Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

The 4 Could Not Be Any Less Accurate

Hello. I was wondering about the odd case of my last name. The U is pronounced like a consonant/vowel combination, as in "University" or "Unicorn", so I'm not sure how to deal with it when finding my personality number and my soul's urge number as it has both a consonant and vowel sound in it. The soul's urge number is very fitting, but the personality number I end up with -- 4 -- could not be any less accurate -- it's everything I'm not, and I couldn't be mistaken for that number, and it's incredibly vexing to run into and consider when the rest of my chart is completely accurate. If I treat it as a vowel, I get a much more relevant number (7), but if I leave it off when I find my soul's urge number, that result gets much less accurate, though admittedly not as far-off as the personality number 4.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The Numerology Not Always 100% Accurate article has pertinent information in response to your question.

Seen from a more exterior point of view, such as a numerologist would see it when the chart isn't their own, your chart may be more accurate than you suppose.

The "u" is treated as a vowel regardless of sound. The "y" depends on sound but not any other letters of the English language alphabet. People don't become different persons by pronouncing their names differently.

The number 4 pays attention to details. Things need to be defined and understood so they can be used with confidence in attainment of goals.

Those number 4 traits come through clearly in your question.

Pay attention to how you present yourself to others. There may be more 4 energy present than you've previously noticed.

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