Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Birth Date Error on Birth Certificate
I have two questions: 1) I was born on 22nd November 1995 but for some reason my parents made my birth certificate with 22nd November 1996 with nothing else changed. So, when doing numerological calculations do I use 1995 or 1996, and if i use 1996 will 1995 have any effect on me and vice versa. 2) If I apply for my student visa and take my interview within a few days what are the odds that it would get rejected. Thanks!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Use your real birth date when doing numerology calculations. A typographical error doesn't change the timing of the physical event of your birth.
A birth name for numerology calculations, however, needs to be specified as first officially recorded. A birth name isn't a physical event, but an assignment within the society's method of recording birth names. The assignment occurs when the name is first officially recorded.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with any methods of using numerology to calculate odds of visa acceptance.
Your numerology chart contains the number 5 as a major number, the personality position. The 5, among other things, generally enjoys travel and mingling among people of various cultures. And your life path number is the number 4, a number (again among other things) that's generally good for study.
Although no odds are calculated, the numbers of your chart favor both travel and formal study.
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