Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Which Name for Readings?

I was trying to do a numerology reading, and my question has to do about my birth name. My mother spelled my middle name Nichole, and I spelled it that way till I was 18, and then we had to get a replacement copy of my birth certificate for something, and she saw the doctors wrote it without the h in it. So which one do I use for the most accurate reading?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

If you are still using Nichole as your middle name, then get two readings. One for your birth name. And one for your current name.

The differences are compatible, but that's not the reason.

The reason for both readings is that the energies of your birth name will always be with you. The energies of your current name, too. With the many years you've used the current name, the reading for the current name is likely to be the most applicable. The reading for the birth name is to become familiar with what other energies are available to you. See the common name numerology article for more information about that.

Once you become familiar with your birth name readings, future numerology readings may be for only your current name.

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