Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Which Name and Birth Date to Use for Numerology
My official name is [name removed], my nick name is [name removed]. My birth name is [name removed] my actual dob is [date of birth removed] but my dob on papers is [date of birth removed]. Which dob and name should I use to calculate my numerology numbers and results? And should I change my name [name removed] to [name removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
For numerology readings, use your real date of birth. Even if it's officially recorded as a different date, still use the date you were born. No paper can change the date you were born; it can be offically a different date but the actual date can't be changed.
Therefore, use your real date of birth for numerology readings.
Which name to use isn't that clear. Names can be changed. But there are these two facts:
The name that was first officially recorded at your birth is your birth name.
The numerological influence of your birth name will always be present, even if you change your name, or change it many times.
When a person changes their name, the new name starts to have influence. The longer the person lives as that name, the more influence the new name has. After several years, it may have more influence than the birth name. But the birth name will always have some influence.
The name to use for a numerology reading depends on the reading. Some readings are for the current name or nickname. Some are based on the birth name.
For those based on birth names, use the birth name. If you've changed your name and you feel like you're more like the person of the new name than of the birth name, then get two readings. Compare the birth name reading with the new name reading and see which most reflects the reality that is you.
The Name to Use for Numerology Readings article goes into more detail about that.
See the Should I change my name? and the Name Change for Better Numerology Profile articles for information that can help you make a decision about whether or not to change your name again. The Name Changes index page has links to even more information.
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