Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Raining 7s
I'm raining 7s. Life path: 7. Birthday: 7. Destiny: 7. And I'm born in 198..7. Maturity: 7. Subconscious Self: 7. Expression Challenge: 7. I have a karmic debt 7 life path. I have felt these 7s my whole life and it has not been easy. But sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who can see through to the truth. How do I deal with all these 7s?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Understand the type of energies the number 7 represents. That's the first step and may be the only necessary step.
Those 7 energies you'll learn about will be interpreted differently for different numerology chart positions. The type of energies doesn't change, only the interpretation changes in relation to the area of life the chart position represents.
Once you're clear on what 7 means, you'll understand that you'll find your answers within.
Realize that all the 7s are results of calculations using your birth date.
Your name has no 7s in it: No letters represented by the number 7, no 7s for totals, and not even a digit 7 within the multi-digit subtotals.
Because the 7s are all calculated from your birth date and your name is completely absent of 7s, it's an indication that the 7 energy affects the events and circumstances of your life rather than influences the person that you are.
There is overlap, of course, as each has an effect on the other and both are fully represented in a holistic person. But the energy's influence is with the events and circumstances that persist or occur intermittenly as you live life — rather than directly influencing the essence of the person that you are.
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