Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Numerology Working for Whole Families

Hi I was wondering if numerology works not just from person to person but with whole families? The number that has popped up a lot is 3 or multiplies of 3. I am the oldest of three, and we are 3,6 & 9 years apart!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are various kinds of numerology. Strictly noticing numbers and their sequences, repetition, or occurrences, is often seen as numerology.

Other forms of numerology interpret the energy represented by numbers, such as Pythagorean numerology, the numerology discussed on this site. Repetitions of numbers are generally interpreted as an enhancement of the number's energies.

The energy represented by the numerology number 3, for example, among other things, resonates with creative expression.

Coincidentally, the number 3 is the number of your third life period cycle, which begins when you are 60 years old. (Your first life period cycle, which you're experiencing until age 33, is the number 6.)

A third of the numbers used in numerology are divisible by 3.

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