Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Could There Be an Error on this System?

My birth number is 8. My name number is 3. That is the problem, I am the total opposite of a 3. I am by all definitions a number 7 in my personality and spiritual quest in so many ways. Could there be an error in this system?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The first error is in not looking any further.

While the birthdate (life path) number and the name (destiny) number are in major positions of your numerology chart, there's more to it.

Two other major numbers obtained from the name are the heart's desire number and the personality number.

Other major numbers obtained from the birthdate are the pinnacles, the challenges, the life period cycles, and the power number.

I'm uncertain how you interpret the energies of the number 7.

If your interpretation of the number 7 includes spiritual connection with self, it also resonates with that aspect of your power number 11. If your interpretation includes being in control of your environment and/or demanding perfection, it also resonates with the number 8 of both your life path and personality numbers. If it includes a pleasant environment and/or artistic appreciation, it also resonates with your destiny number 3. (You can not be the total opposite of a 3 and also be a 7 by all definitions; the two numbers have aspects in common.)

The second error is assuming interpretations of numerologically-calculated results are rigid, firm, inflexible. If that were the case, if the results of every calculation were chiseled in stone, numerologist could rule the world.

The fact is, free will is a ruling force.

Take yourself as an example. You see yourself as being influenced by the energies you understand are represented be the number 7 — a number found nowhere in the name you provided with your question and only once in the digits composing your birthdate.

You perceive yourself as being influenced more by the number 7 than by both your life path and destiny numbers; in fact, ruling out the influence represented by the destiny number altogether.

It makes you an excellent example of free will ruling innate influences.

More information about the accuracy of numerology is in the not always 100% accurate article.

Oh, one more thing. Numerology readings should be done with the person's full birth name — first, middle, and last — exactly the way it's printed on the birth certificate.

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