Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Same Birth Date, Different Life Paths

Image for 'Same Birth Date, Different Life Paths' numerology answer

Hi. My parents have the exact same birth date of day, month, and year. They have however been separated since my birth. Does this have any significance at all?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In traditional Pythagorean numerology, the birth date number is the life path number.

Unlike what may be an intuitive conclusion, two people with the same date of birth doesn't indicate togetherness or a parallel life path. In addition, free will is real.

There are many aspects in a numerology chart to consider when determining what the tendencies and likelihoods are for an individual person.

And they are only tendencies and likelihoods. Numerology calculations don't reveal predetermination.

It may happen that when when two people have the same life path number, they soon feel a need to separate because the energies are so nearly identical. Different life path energies add depth to a relationship where identical energies provide for a more shallow experience.

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