Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Difference Between Psychic Number and Destiny Number
My psychic number is 2 and destiny number is 8 (which is the sum of my birth day). Which number I should follow? Or what is the difference between psychic number and destiny number?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Probably you're using Vedic numerology. My guess is based on the terms used in your question. A Vedic numerologist may be able to provide the answers you're looking for.
This website uses traditional Pythagorean numerology. It has no chart position named "psychic" and the "destiny" position is calculated from the name and not from the birth date.
The day of birth, which your question refers to as the psychic number, is the number of the second life period cycle. Yours began last year and the number 2 influence in that position will last for a total of 27 years.
What your question refers to as the destiny number is the life path number in Pythagorean numerology. It's the same calculation resulting in the number 8, but a different chart name and a different interpretation.
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