Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Extrovert Numbers and Introvert Numbers

Image for 'Extrovert Numbers and Introvert Numbers' numerology answer

Which numbers are extrovert and which are introvert?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are no extrovert-only numbers. Nor do introvert-only numbers exist. With one caveat: If the definitions of extrovert and introvert are subjective then any number can be either of those according to the person's perception or understanding.

In numerology, a number represents energy.

The energy is interpreted for a reading of the various numerology chart positions and, sometimes, for readings of external situations.

When the interpretation for a particular situation is mostly an inward-looking interpretation, that number could be said to be introverted when applied to that situation. Similarly, with extroversion. Virtually all number energies have both extroversion and introversion resonances.

In general, of the single-digit numbers, the energy represented by odd numbers tend to have more extroversion resonance and even number energies more introversion resonance.

Yet, there are exceptions. The energy represented by the number 7 resonates more with looking inward than the energy of any other single-digit number.

Yet, the 7 energy also has extrovert characteristics. Learning all about the environment the energy finds itself in, for example, to amass more knowledge of its universe.

Read about the energies of each single-digit number. You'll find links at the number meanings index page.

Then, consider the situation the number or its energies is applied to (personal characteristic, life path, wedding date, et al). With that, you should be able to determine if the energy as applied to that situation is mostly extroverted or mostly introverted.

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