Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Expression 33 and Birth Day 11

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What if i have my expression as 33 and birth day is 11 then both are master numbers?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, I see the birth day is the number 11.

Perhaps your name was typed incorrectly when you asked your question because the expression number (which I refer to as the destiny number in my writings) is the number 7.

However, the name you provided calculates your personality number as the master number 11. This gives you two master numbers 11.

When two or more identical master numbers are found in the core numbers of a numerology chart, the energy represented by that master number tends to be enhanced. In other words, you are likely to feel a lot of the master number 11 energy, more than you generally would if it was found only once.

There is a similar effect when two or more of any number are found in major positions of a numerology chart, the energy tends to be enhanced.

When two or more different master numbers are found in the core numbers of a numerology chart, the energy they represent has a similar amount of force as a non-master number would have.

Living up to the ultimate energy of a master number is optional. It never is required; it's just available as an option for the person. See Master Numbers and Potential for more information about that.

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