Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Sound of Name and Spelling of Name
Am following numerology from long time, am not sure about numbers associated with my date of birth and name number are fortunate and compatible or not. I heard according Chaldean numerology vibration of vocally called name is as important as that of the record name. If so people call me "Ranjith". Could you please help me to understand this. As "Ranjith" and "Ranjit" sounds same when peoples calls vocally unless we write it down. But total name number for Ranjith is 19 and Ranjit is 14. So could you please let me know what to do. Is my name compatible with my date of birth or need to change as I would like to go for [name removed]. I am facing too many difficulties in my life how much ever I try. Waiting for your suggestion.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology at this website is Pythagorean numerology. And I'll respond to your question in that way.
For Chaldean numerology, someone knowledgable of that study will need to be consulted.
In only two instances, that I'm aware of, does sound affect interpretations within Pythagorean numerology.
The sound (or lack of sound) of the letter "y" when the name is pronounced can determine how the letter is calculated. If it sounds like a vowel, it's calculated as a vowel. Otherwise, it's calculated as a consonant.
When interpreting the open heart numerology chart position (the first vowel of the name), a nuance for interpretation is whether or not the vowel is pronounced as a long vowel. If as a long vowel, the energy represented by the open heart letter tends to be stronger.
In regard to your question about date of birth and name number compatibility, the article Name and Birth Date Compatibility describes likely effects of compatible and incompatible name and birth date numbers.
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