Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Life Path and Soul Urge Conflict
How do I understand my life path when my soul urge is conflicting.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your soul urge numerology chart position (which we term heart's desire) is the number 7 and your life path is the number 2. The number 7 and the number 2 aren't compatible. But that doesn't mean there needs to be conflict.
The life path numerology chart position represents events and circumstances that tend to occur frequently or persistently as you live life.
The soul urge/heart's desire chart position represents the things a person yearns for. There would be an urge or desire regardless what the life path number was, even if they were both the same number.
To understand your life path, study it independently. Don't compare the heart's desire with the life path; their spheres of influence don't overlap.
Yes, what occurs in a life can be contrary to what's wanted. What's wanted can be a goal. What occurs is the actuality. From the actuality, a plan of action might be determined to arrive at what's wanted.
Your personality is the master number 11. The number 11 resonates with the number 2 almost as much as the number 2 resonates with the number 2. They are highly compatible.
The personality number has to do with how you present yourself to others. It has more to do with the life path than does the heart's desire.
Although they represent different aspects of who you are, the life path and the personality chart positions are both about what is. The heart's desire is about wanting.
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