Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Life Path 9 and Expression/Destiny 5
My life path number is 9, my expressions (name) number is 5. I've been told that these numbers are incompatible and thus may create conflicts and hardships. I consider myself multitalented (a polymathic), highly educated and fast learner, creative, confident, humble, and hardworking person. However I have felt hardships throughout my life. For nearly everything, it is as though I need to put in 100 times the effort compared to other people. Whenever I start a business, even though everything is done right, growth is very slow. Opportunities that should have sky-rocketed my career, turned out into a puff of meaningless smoke. I feel as though success is within an inch of my grasp, and yet I can never really reach it. Nearly everyone who knows me think that I should have achieved more in life than where I am now; considering my skills, focus, attitude and dedication to my work. I feel like I just have no luck whatsoever. My questions are: - Are my name number and life path number incompatible? - Will changing my name help? - I've considered my first name to be changed into "Aleksandr" (in this exact spelling), keeping the second name as it is. I've calculated it to have the number 9. Is this good? - Is life path number 9 and name number 9 good? I've received mixed answers for this one. Please, please, please help me.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
As you'll see at the numerology numbers compatibility chart of the compatible and incompatible numbers page, the number 9 and the number 5 are compatible.
Yes, the energy those numbers represent are different from each other. But they don't have counteracting flow or pull against each other like the energy of incompatible numbers would.
The number 9 energy's humanitarian outlook and the number 5 energy's insistence on expressing it's sense of freedom are indeed compatible. They don't fight each other. And they can align themselves with each other so both are enhanced.
To get rid of hardships is never a good reason to change one's name. It won't get rid of the hardships and it is likely to bring in new ones.
Fortunately, when a person changes their name, the energies represented by the birth name remain with a person. For it is the number 5 energy that makes it easier to become a polymath and to maintain the state.
The 5 energy, however, also tends to do things on a whim. There's little patience built into that energy — not that it gets impatient with anyone or anything, but that there are always new ideas that seem more enticing than the current activity. So a person tends to start things and, after a while, often before real results have time to manifest, a new idea seems so much more satisfying to pursue that the current activity is dropped in favor of the new one.
The 9 energy tends to direct the attention to large projects, especially when they have the potential to benefit humanity in some way, whether locally or globally.
Thus, there is an inclination to start big, exciting projects. Then, other projects are followed before the previous big project has had a chance to mature.
With the 9 and 5 combination in any of the core numbers, short and quickly maturing projects tend to work best. At least until a person has had sufficient experience to (i) recognize the tendency to go off in new directions and (ii) find new exciting things about the current project to refocus its considerable energy back on it.
(This numerologist uses "destiny" as the label on the numerology chart for the name number, rather than "expression".)
Whether or not a destiny number 9 and life path number 9 is good depends on the type of person you wish to be. But there is more to consider. Your current heart's desire number is the number 3 and personality number is the master number 11. (Read about them.) If you change your name for a destiny number 9, one or both of those other two major name numbers will also change. Would it help you become the person you want to be?
The name and birthdate numbers represent energies with gentle nudges. The nudges manifest as tendencies and likelihoods, not as predetermination or predestination. Free will always prevails.
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