Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Affect of Life Path on Name Master Numbers
Are there really two master numbers in my name and how does the six life path affect them? What is important to look at? Thanks soo much!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If each letter of your name is reduced to it's single digit value before they are added together, then your name number is the master number 11. But if the full value of each letter are added together, your name number is a 2.
Similarly, your middle name's vowels total is the master number 11 if the letters are reduced to a single digit before adding them together to obtain the vowels number. A 2 otherwise.
Different numerologists do it differently. Some reduce each letter number to a single digit before adding the letter values together. Others use the letters' original values.
Of course, the number 11 reduces to a 2. Being a master number, the number 11 has meaning over and above the 2, mostly in the area of spiritual living and teaching.
These articles talk about master numbers:
The name numbers have to do with the characteristics of the person – the hopes, desires, personality, outlook on life, preferences, and other things that make a person what they are.
The birth date number has to do with what is encountered during the living of life.
Thus, the name reflects the person and the birth date reflects the situations and circumstances likely to be encountered in life.
The birth date number doesn't affect the name numbers as much as a person might think. They represent different things, different states. Although each affects the other, the effect is more related to interactions and reactions than affecting the states themselves.
The events and circumstances occurring during the living of life can affect a person's outlook, and even cause a person to revise goals, desires, and expectations. But it doesn't affect the basic characteristics of the person.
Similarly, the characteristics of a person can determine how life circumstances are dealt with. But the types of life circumstances that occur aren't affected by the characteristics of the person.
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