Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Unbalanced by 52.1%

Image for 'Unbalanced by 52.1%' numerology answer

Hi, I am wondering what does it mean if your numerology chart is unbalance by 52.1% representing '3' also my core numbers are 3,3,3,6,6.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Let me suggest asking the question of the numerologist who calculated that percentage for you. There are perhaps dozens of ways balance can be calculated.

My method is not a calculation, but an observation of pre-calculated results. The results are the numbers in the completed personal numerology chart.

The core numbers may lean heavily in one direction (yours do not, being a good part 3 and a good part 6), in which case other chart positions are studied to see if their numbers counteract or strengthen the lean.

Core numbers can not be perfectly balanced. There are nine digits and only five core numbers. Few core numbers are heavily leaning in one direction — which would be four identical digits. (Only with the number 9 can all five core numbers be the same.)

The numerologist you consulted may be using a numerology different than Pythagorean. There are a few respectable numerology studies with a long history of being effective. Balance of the core numbers may be more important or more sensitive with that numerology than it is with Pythagorean.

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