Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Which Name to Use for Numerology Readings

My legal name is [name removed]. I was born on [birth date removed]. But I am called [name removed] which I have used in all my educational, marriage, traveling and legal documents.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
No question was asked explicitly, so I'll assume you are asking about which name to use for numerology calculations.
The numerology energy represented by the birth name, the name that was first recorded for you, will always be with you.
The numerology energy represented by the name you know yourself as, and think of yourself as, is also with you.
The effect of the birth name energy is reduced when a person assumes a new name and begins to know themself as that new name. The amount of reduction depends on how much the person emotionally identifies themself as the new name and also how well the new name does or does not resonate with the birth name.
For the situation you described, it may be prudent to get a personal numerology reading for your birth name and also for your current name.
Then compare the two. The comparison is to determine how much of the birth name reading applies to who you know yourself to be now and how much of the current name reading applies.
When you know which reading applies the most, you can use that name for future personal numerology readings.
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