Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Name Number Related to Psychic and Destiny Numbers

If psychic and destiny number is 6 then what name number should we go for? Can it be kept 6 or any good number?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With Pythagorean numerology, it is generally considered good to go for the name numbers that best represent the type of person one currently is or wishes to be.
I think you're basing your question on Vedic numerology. Traditional Pythagorean numerology has no psychic number. And the destiny number is the name number.
The number Vedic numerology considers to be the psychic number, the day of birth, is the number Pythagorean numerology assigns to the first life period cycle. It's a very important number, indicating the events and circumstances that have a profound influence on a person's development, the first 30+- years. Because its influence is during the child and early adulthood development, its influence is pretty much permanent — even after the first life period cycle ends and the second life period cycle starts.
The number Vedic numerology considers to be the destiny number, the number for the entire birth date, is the number Pythagorean numerology considers to be the life path number. The Pythagorean destiny number is one of the three major name numbers.
Those three name numbers represent energy that have a large influence on a person's characteristics, outlook on life, goals — their personhood. To choose a name means considering those major numbers. The index to name change articles has links to further information.
To determine what name number to go for when considering numbers associated with Vedic numerology, it may be prudent to consult a professional Vedic numerologist.
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