Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Destiny and Life Path Compatibility
Good day. I just want to ask, if I am compatible with this name and birthday? My destiny # is 7 and my life path # is 11 and also, can you please explain about my personal year # 8. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numbers for the numerology chart positions you mention are different than the results of my calculations.
Perhaps you're using a different numerology method than Pythagorean, or perhaps your name and birth date were typed incorrectly when the numerology question form was submitted.
The index to numerology tools has links to Pythagorean-method calculators you can use to verify the numbers I got.
The result I got for your destiny number is the number 3 and for your life path number is the number 1.
The number 3 and the number 1 are highly compatible numbers. The Compatible and Incompatible Numbers has information about other single-digit number compatibilies. It contains a link to determine the percentage of compatibility of any number.
Your current personal year number is the number 8, a business-like year with a focus on material acquisition. Those links will have additional interpretations for the 8 personal year and for the number 8 in general. 8 is the most material-oriented of all numbers.
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