Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Master Numbers in Numerology
From my Calculations, I have three master numbers, but they are very hidden, 11, 22, and 33, 11, 22 are the most hidden, these are my Core numbers: Destiny number 87/6, Life path 52/7,Physical Plane 10, Mental Plane 2, Emotional Plane 3, Intuitive Plane 3, Personal Number 54/9, Soul Urge Number 33/6, I am new to this in practical application, I have always known since the age of 5 that 7 allowed me to see what others cannot, and because of this is why these master numbers are screaming at me to verify and unlock the meaning of this, therefore will you help me to uncover the hidden meaning of why is it possible to have more than one master number and what is the big picture thank you so very much.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
(To prevent what otherwise might result in confusion, this numerology website and its sister numerology website refer to the Soul Urge number as the Heart's Desire number.)
Perhaps when you typed in your name and birth date at the "ask a question" form, some errors were made. My calculations reveal no master numbers in any of the five major positions of the resulting numerology reading profile.
By major positions I mean the name's three major positions, vowels, consonants, and all-letter, the birth date total position, and the position representing the name's all-letter total and birth date total added together.
Master numbers are not hidden. They are assured, not ashamed. It is unnatural for master numbers to hide, thus they don't. (This applies to all numerology numbers, actually.)
Virtually any birth name and birth date could be poked and prodded to reveal numerous numbers 11, 22, and 33. The letter "v" in a name, for example, is the number 22. Adding the values of the letter "r" and the letter "d" result in the number 22. One name of a full birth name could total to the same as a master nummer. A month and a year together frequently results in such a number. As can the personal year, month, and day numbers at certain dates when they are added together.
Obtaining numbers referred to as master numbers by manipulating data or calculating results in unexpected ways, those are not real master numbers. Instead, they are the result of wishing or a deep need.
Master numbers don't make a person great. Absence of master numbers don't make a person small.
Master numbers are just numbers. Like any other numbers, each has a certain numerological essence.
The word "master" in the name is unfortunate. The numbers are not masterly at all. Nothing about them is masterly except the name someone gave them and we got stuck with using. The name implies they are somehow above or better than other numbers, which is a deception.
A numerology reading profile can have more then one master number.
The name has three major positions, any one, two, or all of which conceivably can have master numbers – although I have never seen a name with a master number in each of the three positions.
The birth date number can be a master number.
And the number obtained by adding together the name number and the birth date number can be a master number.
As stated, master numbers are just numbers. Probably because of the name, some numerologists tend to hype their power.
But numbers by themselves have no power, just an essence. It is the position they exist at in a numerology reading that gives then meaning.
Yes, your 7 life path number does allow you to see things others can not. The number 7 in that position means situations will come up again and again that will require you to look within for answers. The things you see are unique, as you yourself are unique.
It is what a person does in life, the actions, that make a person great, small, or average. It is not the numbers or the signs or anything like that. Just the simple fact that what a person does is what makes the person.
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