Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Challenges and Pinnacles


(paraphrased) What are the pinnacles and challenges?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Individual lifetimes have many cycles.

The pinnacle and challenge numbers can be used to help determine the vibratory influences of four of those cycles. A pinnacle number and a challenge number are applicable to each of those four cycles.

The first cycle begins at birth and ends somewhere between age 28 and 36. The next two cycles are 9 years each. The fourth cycle then extends until transition.

The pinnacle numbers can be any one of 1 through 9. The meaning of those numbers are similar to the meanings they would have for the life path (birth date number).

The challenge numbers can be any one of 0 through 8. Except for 0, the meaning of those numbers are an absence of the vibrations the number would have for the life path (birth date number). The number 0 indicates any or no vibration may be a challenge, which can be the most challenging of all and can also be the most rewarding of all when the 0 vibration is fully and comfortably integrated.

Cycles Based on Birth Dates has more information.

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