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Concerned About Karmic Debt Number in Essence Energy

Image for 'Concerned About Karmic Debt Number in Essence Energy' numerology answer

It says that I am entering 4 years of 16/7 essence energy currently. I have read that this is a cleansing of ego to get me closer to the universe/god? If so how much weight does the essence number carry? It goes 7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,7. I am concerned about this karmic debt number 16? Thank you for your valuable time.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 7 energy is introspective. It is the number most likely to be concerned about mysteries, especially when they have do to with the self.

The karmic debt number is something I don't bother with because it can't be proved. There is no way to verify with certainty what a person has experienced or accumulated in a past life, or even whether or not they have a past life.

The karmic debt idea depends for its power on belief and the uncertainty and mystery associated with it.

Other parts of numerology don't require belief in order to work.

The number 16 numerology energy is similar to the number 7 energy in that both are introspective. Use those links to read about them.

The answer to your question will have to wait until after you have experienced the years with the 16/7. Then, you can look back and see whether or not there were karmic debt-type of events or circumstances that are unlikely to have happened without a karmic debt influence.

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