Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Initial in Name for Numerology Readings
I have some doubts. When we calculate our name, should we check our initial (my initial is S.) or do we only count our name?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
For most types of numerology readings, specify the entire name as first recorded when you were born, including the family name. If an initial was recorded within the name, then specify the initial. Otherwise, specify the name instead if the initial.
More information about how to specify your name is in the name to use for numerology readings article.
The destiny number of the name you provided is the number 7.
The number 7 is also found in two other important places of your numerology chart, both calculated from your birth date — your current life period cycle and your next pinnacle cycle (a 9-year cycle beginning year 2021).
The number 7 tends to approach things in a scientific manner, in a way that takes most or all known and reliable information into consideration.
Thus, your desire to do numerology correctly is no surprise.
Although numbers representing numerology answers are arrived at with mathematical precision, the interpretation of those answers are less scientific.
Some depends on the experience of the person doing the interpretation. More depends on the person the reading is for. Numerology doesn't overpower free will. Free will always takes precedence.
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