Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Numerology With Cyrillic Alphabet

I was romantically involved with a guy [birth name removed], born [birth date removed]. Recently things started to get strange between us, and he often has misunderstood my words, so quit our connection. I'd like to know about his life's path, destiny, personality, and if there is something compatible with mine. He's Russian, so I suppose one needs to calculate it using Cyrillic alphabet.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, if his name as first officially recorded at birth was written with the Cyrillic alphabet, then the letter values of that alphabet need to be used to do numerology calculations.

See Numerology and Non-English Alphabets for instructions. The article describes how to assign individual letter values to non-English alphabets.

For each numerology position you want an interpretation for, use the search box at Affinity Numerology (a sister site to this site) to find the relevant article. Some positions will have both articles and calculators. At least one article for each major numerology position has a "how to calculate" section.

The calculators at the Affinity Numerology sister site all assume the English alphabet, so you'll probably need to do the calculations with the Cyrillic alphabet manually.

The Compatible and Incompatible Numbers chart can help you determine compatibility of specific positions between your and his numerology charts.

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