Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Having Multiple Master Numbers
I recently discovered numerology and was very intrigued by my own chart. I noticed that my life path number is 22 (birthdate: [birth date removed]) and my destiny number is 11. Any insight or information that you could give me about having multiple master numbers? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Welcome to numerology.
In essence, numerology calculations result in numbers that represent certain numerology energy. (The energy is interpreted for meaning.)
Master numbers are an additional potential of the energy represented by the single-digit number that the master number reduces to. In other words, the master number 11 is an additional potential of the number 2. Similarly with master number 22 and 4, and also 33 and 6. Master Numbers and Potential talks more about that.
Other master numbers in your chart are:
- Your heart's desire master number 22.
- Your third pinnacle master number 11.
Generally, master numbers are effective only with the core numbers, although some numerologists also assign them to other numerology chart aspects. Pinnacle and personal year are examples.
In essence, a master number makes additional energy available. Whether or not the energy is used or taken advantage of is up to you.
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