Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Name Change at 12 Years of Age

Image for 'Name Change at 12 Years of Age' numerology answer

My dad changed my name when i was 12. Should I use this name when logging in my info on a numerology web site or should I use the name that was given to me at birth.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Use your birth name for numerology readings at this website and at that ask for birth names.

If you also think of yourself as the new name — the new name pops into your mind when someone asks you your name — then also get a reading with the new name. Those two can then be compared to see which is more accurate. (Readings for the future ask for birth date. Name readings generally respond with what is likely to already exist.)

The reason for the two name readings is because the energy represented by the birth name never entirely leaves. It may fade when a new name becomes more prominent, but it never entirely goes away.

I can't speak for other web sites that provide numerology readings. There are various types of valid numerology studies and there are many different types of readings.

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