Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
David and 717
With the relevance of 717, and seven in general. Is there any link between the name David in Hebrew which strongly resembles 717? With my birthday being 7775, and of course being named David, if there was a connection... Wow, how cool. Thanks for your time, Be Blessed. David
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
David is a wonderful name.
If you know the spelling of David as translated to Hebrew, see the Numerology and Non-English Alphabets article. It describes how to calculate for Pythagorean numerology name numbers with any language that uses A through Z as its alphabet.
Calculated with the English name, "David" has no 7s anywhere in it. The heart's desire number is the number 1. The personality number is the number 3. And the destiny number is the master number 22
A two-sentence interpretation: Tends to express himself creatively while being intent on methodically building a secure foundation for the future and wanting to be self-sufficient. "David" tends to be a builder that brings dreams into reality.
I'm uncertain what you visualize when you refer to "a connection."
Numerology can be used to become familiar with the energies represented by the numerical results of calculations. Perhaps those are sufficient to determine whether or not a connection you're referring to exists.
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