Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Character Qualities in Description Don't Match the Person
What does it mean when the character qualities in description doesn't match how the person truly is in real life. In fact just the opposite. Example: loyal, faithful, balanced, avoids conflict, but is the one causing the conflict and being unbalanced from the cheating?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are three responses here:
The numerologist who provided the interpretations for you would be the person to ask about the interpretations you are relying on.
This website and our sister numerology website present readings that are positive. Numerology interpretations can reveal both positive and negative traits. Negative traits, generally, would be contrary to or the opposite of the positive traits.
Readings are interpretations of the energy represented by the numbers in a person's numerology chart. The interpretations are likelihoods and tendencies, not certainties. That's because everybody has free will. Active free will always prevails when there is a discrepancy between an interpretation and the will of the person.
See How Numerology Works for more insight about what numerology is.
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