Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

The Name to Use Normally

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What name should I use I normally use A.J.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I can respond with information related to numerology. But I'm unprepared to advise what name to use for your normal interactions with others.

For personal numerology chart readings, use the your name as first officially recorded at birth. If you've changed your name many years ago and you think of yourself as that name without reservations, then also get a reading with the new name so you can compare the two.

After a name change, the energies represented by the new name gradually become more effective according to how much the person thinks of themself as being that new name — the name that identifies their personhood.

The energies represented by the birth name never entirely go away. But they become less effective as the new name energies become more effective.

The reason for two readings in such cases is that both readings apply. Generally, one will apply more than the other depending on how much the person lives and acts as their new name.

A few numerology readings do calculations with the nick name or the name a person is commonly known as. (A reading for the capstone letter can be used with a common name, for example.) For those, you would specify A.J. or whatever other name you normally use at the time you get the reading.

There are also readings for family names which require the last or family name a person was born with regardless what their name currently is.

For most numerology readings, the name as first officially recorded at birth generally is the name to use.

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